Genre: New Adult Romance
Length: 22,000 words (approximately 60 print pages)
List Price: $2.99

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One little accident can change everything.

Just when it seems there’s nothing that can bring the members of Dream Defiled together, the unthinkable happens. A car accident leaves everyone shaken, one member of the band injured, and all of them wondering about the future for their professional and private lives.

The potential solution could be as simple as a few weeks in a secluded island paradise. Time to work out their issues and heal – physically and emotionally – before setting back out on the road to complete the biggest tour of their careers.

Invisible wounds can’t be healed by sunny skies and clear blue water alone, and it seems the band members are more distant from each other than ever. But a shocking tragedy unites them all in sorrow and reminds them of what really matters.

The struggles and triumphs of real life are inescapable. Even in paradise.